Watch DOGS
Greetings and thank you for your interest in our Watch D.O.G.S program at TCES for the 2023-2024 school year. Your interest in our school is greatly appreciated.
Please see the two sign up options listed below.
TCES Extra Security Morning Shift
Shifts are available EVERY DAY from 8:00-9:00 AM. During this time, you will check all exterior campus doors to ensure all doors are locked. We would like one volunteer per day. Volunteers may sign up for UNLIMITED shifts for this activity.
You will receive a Sign Up Genius Email 2 days before your shift. On the day of your shift, please dress comfortably as you will be outside. Report to the front office and you will receive a visitor name tag (remember to bring your ID to be signed in), our Watch DOG Vest, and further directions.
TCES Watch D.O.G.S Regular AM or PM Shift
To accommodate as many volunteers as possible again this year, we are offering an AM (8-12) and a PM shift (12-4). Due to the popularity of WATCH DOGS, we are asking that for this event, volunteers ONLY SIGN UP FOR ONE SHIFT- you may select AM or PM. You will receive a Sign Up Genius email 2 days prior to your shift.
On the day of your shift, please dress comfortably. Report to the front office upon arrival and receive a visitor name tag (remember to bring your ID to be signed in). We will have a personalized schedule for the morning/afternoon for you and a Watch DOG vest.
You are welcome to eat lunch with your child(ren) on the day of your Watch DOG shift . It is okay to come early or stay late that day to accommodate your child’s lunch time.